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Young people ages 14-20

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The State Grange youth are involved in a wide variety of activities with many opportunities that include: Grange Camp, scholarships, talent recognition, State and National contests, awards recognition, travel opportunities, leadership opportunities, team building skills, partnering with other organizations and building lifelong friendships.


Making an Impact

One of the most important focuses of the Grange Youth Program is helping youth to gain the confidence and skills they need to making an impact on their local communities and the world in which they live. Every state event offers activities to build those skills as well as service projects to get involved in helping others. We take pride in helping youth make a strong, positive impact.


Leadership Opportunities


The Grange works to help its youth to build leadership skills, character, and self-confidence. By helping Young Grangers learn the skills they need to be a good leader, they gain confidence and are able to make a positive impact on others.  All events focus on these skills while having fun. There are very many different leadership opportunities for youth in the Grange. Whether serving on a committee or as an officer, all Grange youth have the opportunity to get involved! Some of these experiences also lead to travel opportunities and recognition.


State Youth Ambassador Program

Each year, one male and one female, are chosen to represent North Carolina as the Youth Ambassadors. These two young persons are selected for their leadership qualities, their Grange experiences, and their drive to help the Grange grow. They are chosen through an application and interview process and must be willing to travel. They serve for one year and represent the State Grange at many events including Regional Youth Conference and the National Grange Convention. These young leaders also interview at the National level for an opportunity to serve as National Youth Ambassador. Ambassadors experience many exciting and rewarding moments as well as the opportunity to meet youth from other states. Being an Ambassador is achieving the top leadership position and is a special honor. 


State Youth Team

Each year, up to six Grange youth are selected through an application and interview process and must be willing to travel statewide. These young people exhibit leadership skills, motivation, and enthusiasm. These youth are willing to give their time in order to help the Youth program grow. The purpose of the Youth Team is to help lead activities at various events, recruit new youth, and help plan Grange Camp. Serving on the team offers youth an excellent leadership opportunity.  


State Youth Officers

Youth may be involved in leadership roles by becoming State Youth Officers. Youth elect their peers into these positions during the Winter Youth Conference. Each officer has a different responsibility and each officer grows substantially through this leadership opportunity.  Youth Officers lead the Youth Drill Team and meetings at Grange Camp and State Convention, and learn more about the Grange as well as parliamentary procedure.


Making an Impact

One of the most important focuses of the Grange Youth Program is helping youth to gain the confidence and skills they need to making an impact on their local communities and the world in which they live. Every state event offers activities to build those skills as well as service projects to get involved in helping others. We take pride in helping youth make a strong, positive impact.

Youth Leadership Team:

Ambassador: Taylor Rogers, Camp Grange

Ambassador: Carter Settle, Little Mountain Grange

Youth Team: Kayla Laws, Bushy Fork Grange

Youth Team: Jaden McDougald, Camp Grange

Youth Team: Karly Denning, Grantham Grange

Youth Team: Caroline Barber, Bushy Fork Grange


State Youth Officers:

President: Karly Denning, Grantham Grange

Vice President: Carter Settle, Little Mountain Grange

Program Director: Taylor Rogers, Camp Grange

Chaplain: Brayden Eudy, St John's Grange

Steward: Caroline Barber, Bushy Fork Grange

Assistant Steward: Nick Cameron, Juniper Grange

Lady Asst. Steward: Kayla Laws, Bushy Fork Grange

Treasurer: TLillie Spratling, St. John's Grange

Secretary: Rylee Caseyt, Camp Grange

Gatekeeper: Jaiden McDougald, Camp Grange

Ceres: Anna Hahn, St. John's Grange

Pomona: Peyton Musser, Cape Fear Grange

Flora: Ryleigh Hartsell, St. John's Grange

Executive Committee:

Cade Howerton, Bushy Fork Grange

Anna Keeter, Bushy Fork Grange

Hannah Rogers, Camp Grange

Makeena Seymour, St. John's Grange

Michael Wilson, Camp Grange

Contests and Awards

Youth can get involved and win cash prizes by participating in a wide variety of contests.  Each spring, the State Grange holds its annual Talent Show at Family Conference.  And each fall, youth can submit entries in many contests including photography, art, crafts, writing and baking.  Most popular are Parliamentary Procedure, Grange Jeopardy, Public Speaking and Sign-a-Song (sign language) for which contests are held on state, regional and national levels. 


Youth Contests


Youth can also receive special awards and honors including National Achievement Awards, state and national leadership recognition, service awards, and Grange Youth of the Year.  We also offer awards for collecting Can Tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. 


See the Contest Guide for details on contests and awards.


Grange Camp
The State Grange believes in helping youth to become leaders. We strive to help them grow, learn, and believe in themselves all while having fun. Grange Camp is the most popular event for youth!  Every summer since 1940, the Grange has held camp and the tradition is still strong as ever. We participate in camp adventures such as canoeing, kayaking, games, swimming, archery,  and more. Various activities help build leadership, integrity, promote responsibility, and nurture team-building skills. There is also an opportunity to learn about the Grange and its history through Model Grange, learn about our country, and express patriotism. In addition, we adopt a special community service project. On top of these camp activities, campers make new friends, visit with old ones, and make lifetime memories.


Primary Secondary Grant

The purpose of this scholarship is to assist Grange families with school age children (K-12) who are facing unexpected financial expenses. The scholarship may be used for expenses such as field trips, band instruments, required athletic supplies not provided for by the school, extensive project supplies in science, art, math, drama, etc.





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The North Carolina Grange is a subsidiary of the National Grange.



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